Welcome to St Nick’s
It’s our hope and prayer that many people, particularly those who work in the City, will come to know the Lord Jesus through the ministry of St Nick’s Church. Please come and join us.
Join a small group
Get plugged into church family life. Join us on Wednesday evenings here at St Nick’s to eat, pray and study Mark’s gospel together in small groups. A vital way to grow in our love for each other and Jesus Christ.
6.15pm to eat together 7pm-8.45pm for prayer and bible study.

Christianity Explored
Who is Jesus? Why did he come? Why did he really rise? Is the bible trustworthy? What is grace? Whatever your question, we’d love you to ask it.

Find your nearest lunchtime talk
As a church we’re directely invovled in 3 local lunch time talks – the London Bridget Talks, Fleet Street Talks and St Nick’s Talks, but there are over 20 talks accross central London. Join a movement of city workers seeking to make Jesus known in the city mid week. Find your nearest lunchtime talk now.
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